SEO Tips For Website Accessibility


Not only do search engines have easy access to your website content, but can your audience say the same? Being inclusive of everyone is paramount in order for them to fully utilize what your site has to offer. Unfortunately, over 15% of people globally deal with some type of disability, making it difficult for them to use standard websites. To ensure your website is accessible to everyone read the tips below.

10 SEO Tips to Consider


Make sure text can be easily read by all users

 Large, legible font sizes and colours that contrast nicely with the background should be used for any written content on the site. Additionally, avoid using too many fancy fonts as those may not be supported by some devices or browsers.

Utilize ALT tags for images

It’s essential for a visually impaired user to have descriptive text associated with an image in order for them to understand what it is about. Use keywords in the ALT tag when appropriate so search engines can still find it even if the user cannot see it.

Employ adequate page titles

This helps users and search engines alike to understand the content of a website. Writing informative and relevant titles can also make it easier for people to find your site in a search engine result list.

Use videos with captions or transcripts

Not everyone will be able to watch a video, so it's important to have captioning or transcripts available for those who are hearing impaired or cannot view the video due to technical difficulties.

Simplify navigation menus

Navigation bars should be designed so that all users can get where they need to go quickly and easily without having too many options. Utilizing dropdown menus is an effective way of organizing menu items without taking up too much space on the page.

Offer a search box

This is helpful for users who may not know exactly how to navigate the website. Having a keyword field makes it much easier to find what they are looking for without having to tediously browse through the entire site.

Allow content resizing

Users should be able to zoom in on any page or text without it becoming unreadable or distorted. Designers should make sure that the layout responds accordingly when being viewed at different resolutions, font sizes, and browser windows.

Test your website with screen readers

Screen readers can help blind people access content by simply reading aloud what is on the page. It’s important to test out websites with these tools to ensure that all the content is properly read.

Make sure your HTML is error-free

Websites should have valid and up-to-date HTML that follows web standards in order to be properly interpreted by search engines and accessible browsers.

Opt for a clean design

Busy websites with too many images or ads can make it difficult for disabled users to understand the page layout and find what they want. Keep it simple and avoid any unnecessary elements that could cause distractions or confusion.

By following these SEO tips, you will create an accessible website that not only works well for everyone but also stands out from the competition in terms of usability, visibility, and engagement. With this approach, you can ensure that your website content can be accessed easily by all users and maximize the reach of your online presence.

Over the years, there has been a great deal of focus on digital accessibility. The good news is that with some minor adjustments, it's possible to make websites much more user-friendly for people with disabilities. By following these 10 SEO tips, you’ll have taken an important step forward in creating an inclusive and accessible web experience for everyone.